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Sample Papers Archive 01

Channel trends in 2025 - staying a step ahead as a partner​

The success equation requires that channel partners recognize, understand, and adapt to the trends affecting the channel for the next 12 months.

Invest in technology and break through the growth barrier​

Recent research by Equals Money reveals that 90% of financial leaders were impacted by the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget, with over two-thirds (70%) choosing to delay or cancel planned investments.

Top storage trends for 2025​

There is new excitement about enterprise storage. Based on extensive customer, channel partner, and technical alliance partner input on a global basis, several trends are emerging.​

Making AI models more effective with augmented generation​
Generative AI learning (GenAI) models are powerful, modern tools for automating interactive delivery of knowledge and information, but they often struggle to understand proprietary enterprise data. This leads large language models (LLMs) being prone to so-called “hallucinations” – fabricating answers instead of acknowledging that they don’t know the answer.
When white glove support becomes a game changer for enterprise storage​​

Customer experience continues to reign supreme as a key competitive differentiator. ​But for many organizations, the ability to delight customers by mastering the concept and execution of an exceptionally good customer experience can be challenging.

NextGen data protection and recovery
In the early days of enterprise storage, how to back up 1TB of data over 200 systems with a 10Mb/s network presented as a huge challenge.
Building thriving international growth plans
Expanding a business internationally is one of the most promising paths to growth, allowing companies to access new markets, diversify their customer base, and seize fresh opportunities. However, as any seasoned leader can attest, this journey is not without its challenges.
Financial institutions' rising interest in solving new cyber threats, data centre space constraints and the cloud paradox
The recent Strategic Technology Analysis Centre (STAC) Summit in New York City was the perfect venue to be teeming with discussions about how to solve the infrastructure-related problems facing the financial community.
NIST CSF 2.0 update and cybersecurity awareness month
The global cybersecurity threat is ever constant, and its impact on enterprises can be devastating.
How sustainable storage solutions drive business growth
Globally, data centres are consuming an estimated 240-340 TWh of electricity annually or around ​1 to 1.3% of global final electricity demand, based on studies conducted in 2022.
Forensic accountants and IPs
The Post Office scandal has finally shone a light on the positives that forensic investigators can bring to troubled situations. The valiant forensic experts from Second Sight doggedly exposed the failings of the Horizon system despite all efforts to silence them and have now finally had their say at the Public Inquiry.
Why building cultural chasms is key to securing operational technology

Operational technology (OT) security is designed to meet the unique security needs of OT environments. This includes protecting system availability, understanding OT-specific protocols, and blocking attacks targeting the legacy systems commonly used in OT environments. As such, OT is becoming increasingly important. In this article, the author discusses how security practitioners bridge the cultural chasm with OT engineers where cyber security is often seen as just one risk among 

It's time to overhaul enterprise cybersecurity alerting systems
Enterprises need to make sure they are fully securing their data, both at rest and in motion.With datastores moving between on-premises enterprise data centre and the public cloud in hybrid environments, storage administrators need to be ever vigilant for a cybersecurity event and 'firing on all cylinders' if they are to have a chance of protecting their enterprise data.
When businesses win medals
Winning or even being nominated for a business award not only boosts awareness of a company’s brand, products and services helping to gain new customers, but it also boosts staff morale and helps to attract and retain staff – people want to work for award winning businesses. But winning awards isn’t easy – it takes hard work.
Delivering true enterprise value  
Today’s customers want their enterprise systems to be faster, more performant, and capable systems that use less power and less data centre space, fuelling better OPEX, a smaller carbon footprint, and more successful outcomes for the business.
Fortifying frontline defences​​

We live in a data-driven world and protecting data assets is a constant challenge for all enterprise organizations.

CrowdStrike outage​​

The CrowdStrike outage has caused huge public service and commercial disruption worldwide.

Expanding channel partners growth with G4 storage solutions​

Many IT companies continue to invest heavily in providing support with their channel partners.

Shrinking the cyberattack threat window​

If enterprises are investing millions of pounds into their cyber protection armour and disaster recovery strategy, why are hackers still managing to profit from data disasters?

Enterprise storage - the proverbial "Water Cooler" discussions (part two)​

In Part Two, the author delves into three more key topics which are being talked about across the industry – AI operations (AIOps); rising energy costs and space constraints; and comparing the use of a single storage operating system versus multiple operating systems and invites readers to share their reaction and insights about these topics on Infinidat’s social media channels using the hashtag #InfinidatTalk.

Uncertain times call for top quality leadership â€‹

There are innumerable theories about what good business leadership looks like.   In good times, the momentum of strong revenues, solid profit margins, positive cash generation and thoughtful investment strategies for the future can hide a multitude of management flaws.

Enterprise storage - the proverbial "Water Cooler" discussions (part one)​

Applications and workloads all require storage, but with each requiring differing storage needs it fast becomes apparent that all enterprise storage is not all created equally. There’s high-end enterprise storage, mid-range storage, and entry-level storage, block, file, object, and hybrid cloud storage – they all behave and function differently as far as availability, cybersecurity, integration, performance, and connectivity to other software – namely, infrastructure software.

Delivering Superior Customer Excellence with white glove support

In an era where customer service is king, enterprises and service providers/hosting providers expect a higher level of pro-active customer experience, both in terms of service and support, and technical user experience. IT buyers want “easier, faster and better”.

Cybercrime and the art of possible

Malicious actors with highly sophisticated hacking tools take data hostage and demand enormous 


Green IT and ESG

Research by the Enterprise Strategy Group into the relevance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programs in IT purchase decisions found that 93% of IT decision makers expect their suppliers’ ESG programs to have a major impact on their organization’s purchases.


Cybersecurity reporting and regulations in the EU and USA

Government bodies are now placing tighter compliance and cybersecurity requirements on business.

Storage must form the core of an enterprise cybersecurity strategy

Cyber security experts have estimated that global cybercrime costs will exceed 7.5 trillion Euros this year .

Taking virtual payments
Investing in payments is key for businesses to grow, yet many UK firms are still relying on slow, outdated processes.
World Backup Day 2024: Protect your enterprise's data with Cyber Secure Backup 
World Backup Day has a clear, compelling message that is just as relevant and timely for enterprises today as it is for individual consumers: “Be prepared against data loss and data theft.”
Case Study - Contship Italia 
Faced with ambitious Group-wide growth projections for expanding new handling capacity, including gateway and transhipment capabilities, the existing data storage system at Contship Italia was reaching its end-of-life stage.
Solving the IT gap in Fortune 500 
It’s well-documented that the global IT skills gap not only exists, but it is also widening at a pace that has many CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and other IT hiring managers falling regrettably into a “fret it and can’t forget it” mindset.
Detroit Pistons transforms its data infrastructure 
Using Infinidat, basketball team, Detroit Pistons has consolidated their arrays to significantly reduce costs and improve system performance. 
Storage as a service case study
Infinidat helps German public administration organization Stadt Pforzheim switch to storage as a service in order to reduce capex costs. 
Tech trends for 2024
Regardless of whether it is cybersecurity related, a data disaster recovery issue, dealing with the ever-growing IT skills gap, or adapting to new green IT and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives – all will mean that although organizations may need to rethink their costs, for those companies who leverage these trends they have the potential to unlock new value in creating an innovative enterprise.
2024 Enterprise storage trends
Challenges on system performance, storage management, complexity and scalability continues to weigh heavily on many businesses.
Top cyber trends for 2024
Many organizations are looking back on 2023 to try and gain some insight into what the next 12 months could hold.
CFOs want more AI 
AI-powered technology to make more informed and intelligent sourcing decisions that optimizing costs, improving efficiency, and increasing speed-to-market, will help CFOs to unlock innovation across the organization.
2024 Channel trends
Linking channel investment to individually prioritized business objectives ensures that channel growth aligns with the overall commercial strategy.
DBA - The key to improving security and CX without compromise
Today’s consumers demand Amazon-like digital banking experiences. DBA presents a compelling solution for banks seeking to enhance security and CX simultaneously by automating background verification.
The CISOs next priority isn't technology - it's building a great customer experience
Qualitative research highlights the importance of training and development in both attracting and retaining employees.
What is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and why does it matter?
NIST is the National Institute of Standards and Technology at the U.S. Department of Commerce. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework helps businesses of all sizes better understand, manage, and reduce their cybersecurity risk and protect their networks and data.
Being a force for good
Storage technology experts by day and humanitarian aid supporters by night.
Infinidat and Kyndryl deliver modern data protection
The author discusses how one Fortune Global 500 enterprise needed to improve and accelerate its capabilities to backup critical enterprise data.
HEAT challenges ahead for CISOs 
With the effects of the pandemic largely behind us, it was hoped that 2023 would bring calm and composure, but instead it has brought more turbulence.
Seamless enterprise data management 
In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise data storage solutions, what truly sets a company apart is not just the technology it offers, but the way it serves its customers.
Borderless data - acting locally, thinking globally  
Today’s supply chains require data to be shared. But with the regulatory landscape having never been more complex, data and technology leaders must not only meet new compliance demands, but also rising expectations from their organization to use data to meet business goals.
CIAM beyond access management 
Managing vast numbers of user identities across employees via Identity and Access Management (IAM) and customers is critical for operational, security and regulatory reasons.
It's time to consider the business impact of APIs 
The rapid transition into a more digital world means that IT teams now must look at their operations in a new light. Nearly all industries – including transportation, lodging, banking, retail, and entertainment – are being disrupted by digital-first entrants who are luring customers away from non-digital businesses.
Thwarting cybercrime with Infinidat 
Cybercrime is predicted to cost the world $8 trillion USD in 2023 alone.
It's not always malware 
The threats to data are increasing, yet it is not always about malware attacks.
The security of enterprise storage - A call to action for CISOs
Cyber criminals can infiltrate an enterprise infrastructure and stay there, undetected, for months at a time. When a data infrastructure does not have the right level of cyber storage resilience, intruders can take advantage of the value of data by accessing critical enterprise storage resources and unleashing ransomware and malware, among other types of cyberattacks.
Three key cyber resilience messages that channel partners need CISO clients to understand
As the digital economy grows, digital crime grows with it. All industries face greater exposure to cyberthreats due to increasing digitization, yet research shows that companies continue to lack the readiness to respond to ransomware attacks.
Security lessons from Akido Wiper 
Earlier in the year cybersecurity circles were buzzing about Aikido Wiper, thediscovery of SafeBreach security researcher Or Yair.
Does IT infrastructure really matter?
No one would dispute that Information technology has become the backbone of commerce. As IT’s power and presence have expanded, companies have come to view it as a resource ever more critical to their success.
Combating the risk of web browser attacks 
The widespread shifts to more flexible working that we saw take hold during the pandemic and prevail post-Covid have seen organizations shift their operating models and IT infrastructure to the cloud, paving the way for the browser to become one of the most critical business tools.
Can IoT adopters manage the security and privacy challenges in smart utilities?
The utility sector is undergoing a huge transformation, becoming highly connected infrastructures, with millions of endpoints, including smart meters and smart grid devices.
Business productivity gains
Digital transformation efforts are driving enterprises to refresh and modernize their server, storage, and/or data protection infrastructure, and many are turning to storage systems equipped with solid-state storage to deliver the performance they need.
Driving IT productivity staff gains
Improving storage performance and storage team productivity is paving the way for better agility, but with a huge skills shortage in IT compounded by budgets beingcut, IT management are being required to do more with less.
GDPR - The benchmark for a global privacy network
The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set the precedent for privacy and data laws around the world with 71% of countries now having data protection regulations in place and a further 9% with legislation in development.
Taking cyber storage resilience to the next level
In February 2022, Infinidat announced InfiniSafe®, its comprehensive cyber resilience1 architecture, which covers both primary and secondary storage, providing four pillars of protection.
Economic uncertainty in an uncertain economic world
Business and information technology leaders across the globe continue to seek to transform their organizations digitally. 
Cost reductions and the impact on IT infrastructure
International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets.
How to improve the bottom line with mandated spending
In the face of continuing economic uncertainty and a recession threat, every company is hyper-focused on cost management and financial performance. 
Ego gains workflow edge with Esker
Ego Pharmaceuticals reduces invoice processing time with Esker's Accounts Payable solution to improving supplier and employee experience. 
Infinidat ranked among Power 500 Software Companies
Software is a fundamental value proposition of Infinidat’s portfolio.
The business value of Infinidat storage
A recent IDC White Paper, sponsored by Infinidat, "The Business Value of Infinidat Storage" has found that the payback for an enterprise’s purchase of an Infinidat InfiniBox® hybrid solution is within 11 months, showing a rapid return on investment (ROI) on enterprise, cyber resilient storage for data infrastructure.
FirstNet chooses Infinibox
As one of South Africa's leading cloud, connectivity, voice and security solutions provider, FirstNet turns to InfiniBox®, the powerful enterprise storage solution from Infinidat to help it deliver high performance, highly reliable storage with Capacity on Demand (COD) for all FirstNet customers.
Cyllene chooses Infinibox
Driven by a need to implement high end storage arrays for cloud, security, infrastructure, digital, data, management and web marketing, Cyllene needed an IT partner, but with no dedicated staff available to handle the administration of its storage network, Cyllene turned to InfiniBox®, the powerful enterprise storage solution from Infinidat.
The hot trend - security and enterprise storage together
Cybersecurity and cyber storage resilience are usually treated separately in the enterprise. This exposes a huge gap in creating a comprehensive enterprise cybersecurity strategy.
Flexible consumption - Why consumption led pricing is accelerating for enterprises
Forward thinking organizations across the UK are looking for practical ways to reign in their spending and mitigate the business impacts. One good option is to consider a switch to consumption-led pricing models for on-premises storage infrastructure, says the author of this article.
Set it and forget it
The IT skills gaps pose a ‘high or medium risk to their team’s ability to meet key objectives’ cites 80% of 80% of IT leaders according to the Skillsoft 2022 IT Skills & Salary. Where the requisite skills are available, workers are commanding premium rates and salary inflation is running at an all-time high.
Esker improves CX at Fujifilm
As a leading provider in offering smarter ways to work with document-related solutions and services, solutions and services, Fujifim Business Innovation Corporation has now transformed its operations using Esker's accounts receivable solutions.
A new home for SMEs
SME operations changed for good due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as the modern office and workspace carries forward some elements of the hybrid working model that grew so popular during the height of the pandemic there are some fantastic real estate opportunities out there, explains the author of this article.
Overcoming  cybersecurity barriers
In this article, the author explores these issues and looks at how confusion around the meaning and potential of“automation”, “orchestration” and “XDR” may be a barrier to implementation.
IOT ambitions are maturing
We published our first ‘state of the nation’ Internet of Things (IoT) report in 2017. Last year, we revisited this study, surveying 300 UK and US IT decision makers within organizations across a range of industries, including utilities, energy, telecoms, construction and government, to see whether (and how) attitudes and adoption patterns have changed.
Technical teamwork equals business achievement
A myriad of unprecedented factors continues to impact businesses of all sizes and industries and these factors are fostering stress financially, organizationally, and operationally to levels which many IT infrastructure leaders have never seen.
Secure savings by focusing on indirect spend
How rationalizing indirect spend is an area that, provided you have the right tools, is a perfect area for cost optimization.
Cyber Insurance and ITDR: a perfect match?
In a world where cyber threats are varied (and constantly changing), cyber insurance can protect organizations from losses due to security incidents.
Enterprise storage trends
Looking ahead, 2023 will be a very exciting year for enterprise storage. In this article, the author looks at five emerging trends.
New era for cyber recovery
The rise of vendor guarantee programs is increasing, but if customers are going to use them to help make an enterprise storage purchase decision, it is important to really understand which program facets offer differentiating value.
Why digital forensics and incident response must go remote
To detect if a user has been stealing intellectual property, it’s no longer a case of physically borrowing that laptop.
NVMe Storage Evolution
Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe), the new storage access and transport protocol for flash and next-generation solid-state drives (SSDs) is delivering the highest throughput and fastest response times yet for all types of enterprise workloads.
Is there a special place for cybersecurity marketing?
With the industry constantly pushing the message ‘Your business – safe at the speed of light’, many businesses are feeling overwhelmed.
What CIOs should know about zero trust
Zero trust is a cybersecurity strategy wherein security policy is applied based on context established through least-privileged access controls and strict user authentication – not assumed trust.
IT issues that need cleaning up
If you are at a supermarket, the “dirty dozen” is a list of foods that are considered the most tainted. Similarly, if you are working in an enterprise or for a service provider, the dirty dozen is a list of issues that tarnish IT infrastructure, “contaminating” current enterprise-grade implementations and exposing the dangers and risks associated with them
Cloud Control: Maintaining compliance as regulated apps move off premise
The general trend toward cloud-based IT and cloud-hosted applications use shows no signs of abating, and the life sciences industry – albeit behind the curve – has been making its own steady progress in moving its systems off premise.
Help me Obi Wan, InfiniBox is our only hope
The storage admin is no longer solely focused on storage, nor do they require PhD levels of storage expertise to do their jobs. Storage systems have evolved; new storage architectures have emerged, which fundamentally changed the storage landscape
Enterprises must have better cyber resilience
How do you stop Cybercrime is the multi-billion dollar question. Every aspect of our IT infrastructures are part of it. The cyber “attack plane” is enormous, it is not just securing our network connections, but also extends to the people at their desks or at the edges of the company networks who can willingly or not, be the source of IT turmoil.
Where digitalization goes wrong?
Digital transformation has been high on the agenda for most companies over the past few years – but there’s often too much inaction. This is preparing for failure, and that will come sooner than many might think.
Graph technology puts data at the heart of Government decision making
The ability to use data is becoming essential to governing well. With digital technologies having transformed our economy, society and daily lives, the challenge for governments is to make use of new sources of data and the emergence of new data science technologies to solve problems and make decisions.
Creating cyber-resilient technology
The threat of cyberattacks has become such a huge issue facing the largest global enterprises that 66% of Fortune 500 CEOs named it the Number One threat to businesses in the May 2021 survey of Fortune 500 CEOs.
Driving innovation in transport systems
Just as employees are being rallied by the Government to return to the workplaces and adapt to the new ‘norm’ of living with the Covid Omicron virus, it is feared that safety concerns around social distancing could push commuters away from trains despite the green agenda.
Data protection at scale (2)
Data protection is one of the most important safeguards that a company can have today.
Five pointers for choosing a threat intelligence platform
As 2022 gets under way and the new financial year looms, many companies are starting to identify the key strategic focus areas for the year ahead and the technology investments needed to deliver them.
What are the benefits of 5g?
As data and mobility become more critical to business operations, IT teams across the globe are getting ready to embrace the next-gen network. In this article the author discusses the benefits that fifth generation wireless technology (5G) can bring to businesses.
Knowledge graphs push the boundaries of data science
Knowledge Graphs are a big trend in the advanced data science world, but they aren’t as widely known as they could be.
Data protection at scale (1)
Data protection has many meanings. It ranges from the data availability on primary storage, to the long-term preservation and retention of data for multiple business purposes.
Perfecting revenue recognition
Despite the ASC 606 and IFRS 15 standards deadlines of 2017 and 2018 respectively, many public and privately held companies are still not compliant.
Remote working and taxes
Businesses around the world are seeing the substantial benefits of remote working post-Covid 19. 
Open banking - are you ready to become a banking ecosystem?
Open banking is enabling new ways for people to manage their money.
Behavioral Biometrics and customer identity authentication
With synthetic identity fraud on the rise, behavioural biometrics enable banks to balance customer experience and fraud prevention.
Data storage consolidation
For many years, IT teams have struggled to manage several different data storage systems. Bringing together a range of silo systems into a frictionless ecosystem is often surrounded in complexity, whilst spiralling costs as vendors try to collaborate is frustrating.
YourDMS transforms FJ Chalke
With showrooms throughout Somerset, FJ Chalke continues to grow, but like most businesses that experience rapid growth, the challenges of managing increased amounts of paperwork become a much larger task.  With help from YourDMS (, FJ Chalke are transforming its operations.
With great power comes great responsibility (and cooling)
Data centres account for 1% of the world's total electricity usage each year, and by 2030 this is set to rise to around 3-13% with much of the power going into cooling servers and systems according to research conducted by Huawei Technologies.
On campus, colocation, or the cloud?
Higher education and research organizations faced with challenges for urgent digitization of their applications and data platforms, are now moving their IT infrastructure off-campus and into a purpose build data centre to ensure that their IT works harder for less.
How to launch a thriving B2B marketplace
As a marketplace entrepreneur, you want to build your marketplace with the best possible chance of success by putting a robust strategy in place and look at how others have used these platforms to their competitive advantage.
The pervasiveness of data and data-centric security strategy
In this last year, we have seen an exponential growth in not just the amount of digital data, but also its vulnerability. 
US data privacy at a glance​
Data privacy protection is both a fundamental right and an economic need, as data breaches grow in impact and frequency. 
A pandemic of cyber attacks
With 2020 dominated by the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was also a sharp rise in cybercriminal activity. From simple phishing attacks to one of the largest DDoS attacks ever recorded, we saw the cyber threat landscape evolve and grow.
Infinibox SSA - delivering confidence
For as long as there has been competition among IT vendors, IT vendors have bragged about the performance of their products. Too often vendors toss around the word performance as if it were some simple, one-dimensional thing.
Cloud misconfigurations - a greater threat than one might think
New research from Team Nautilus revealing that a significant majority of companies that move to multi-cloud environments are not properly configuring their cloud based services.
The hidden glass ceiling of AI​
In a world driven by connections, graph algorithms provide one of the most potent approaches to analyzing connected data because they are specifically built to operate on relationships.
Rethinking digital processes
As CEOs look to transform their enterprises and drive new business models forward to thrive in the digital economy, addressing business process management issues has never been more critical.​
Deep learning myths, lies and videotape (2: Balderdash!)
While there are no enterprise storage systems other than InfiniBox that claim to use DL (and none do), there are many that claim to use AI/ML.
Deep learning myths, lies and videotape (1: Verities!)
When it comes to marketing storage products, IT vendors often misuse the terms Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).
Managing emotions with AI
Spotify Web Player has recently patented a voice recognition technology that is capable of tailoring bespoke music recommendations to our emotions and environment.  With the help of Artificial Intelligence, could this new music technology become another powerful tool for advertisers and tech giants to target us more effectively?  Asks Tom Andrews at Rightly.
Credential phishing attacks
In the last month, the Menlo Labs team has been observing a steady rise in credential phishing attacks. Credential phishing is a popular method of attack where attackers make use of fake login pages or forms to steal credentials of commonly used services in a corporate environment.
Lockdown 2.0 and the DDos threat
No matter how productive you think you have been while working remotely, cybercriminals worked just as hard to exploit every vulnerability that emerged from the pandemic.​
GBS case study
Gerichte Basel-Stadt delivers critical performance benefits and reduces costs with Infinidat’s flexible enterprise storage model.
OFFSITE reduces costs
OFFSITE reduces costs of delivering enterprise IT services to its clients with Infinidat's elastic pricing and flexible storage model.
VDC overcomes growth challenges
Fast-growing managed hosting provider VDC drives business, cost savings and storage consolidation using Infinidat.​
Why is Apple associated with high business productivity?
Staff productivity is one of the biggest impacts on business revenue. It is widely recognized that productive employees perform tasks more quickly and to a higher degree of quality. This frees up more time for additional tasks, making a company’s output greater.​
Rethinking the storage infrastructure
With digital transformation under way at most enterprises, IT management is pondering how to optimize storage infrastructure to best support the new big data analytics focus.
Enterprise platform or point solution? - separating the hype from the reality
In 2021, the word ‘platform’ is going to be bandied about more and more often as all kinds of software vendors attempt to reposition their software in order to seem more foundational, comprehensive and cost-efficient.
What are ABM, MDM and DEP?
There is a new range of acronyms in town – DEP, MDM and ABM. But what do they mean and why do they matter?
The new normal is Work from Anywhere
The workplace of the future is likely to be very different to the one we have all experienced in the past.
Case Study - YourDMS streamlines Pets Corner
A combination of Abbyy Flexicapture – for data extraction – and Invu Document Management and Workflow – for easy storage, retrieval and management of information, sees YourDMS streamline processes at Pet Corner.
Next generation data analytics insights with graph technology

The pace of data science adoption by business is accelerating. Increasingly, organizations are applying graph-powered analytics to connected data to discover insights and power innovation.

Case Study - Pulsant meets customer demand with Infinidat

Identifying and deploying innovative, robust, technology is critical to the continued success of the Pulsant business. The company invests heavily in software, infrastructure and skills in order to remain agile and boost its competitive edge.

How a hybrid innovation platform can drive integration
Connecting and standardizing an organization’s data and business processes, across its entire application landscape, places a significant strain on traditional technologies, methods, and abilities. 
Preparing your DR for 2021
Technology disasters can happen at any time. An IT disaster can be any unexpected problem that results in a slowdown, interruption or failure in a key system or network.
The implementation of MITRE
Since the emergence of the first real malware about 25 years ago, it became clear that criminals lurk in the expanses of the World Wide Web. Nevertheless, it is no use giving up and surrendering to your fate.
How effective is threat  hunting for organisations?

Threat hunting is the art of finding the unknown in your environment, going beyond traditional detection technologies with active cyber defence activity.

The integration imperative for XDR
Large security vendors with Extended Detection and Response (XDR) offerings position their solution as integrating their own set of products.
Free migrations break the stalemate between inertia and modernisation
Data migrations are a lot like a toothache. You can delay going to the dentist for a while, but eventually, you are going. The desire to postpone data migrations is understandable.
Data Centres and green foundations
The data centre industry continues to grow rapidly as more of our lives become digitally led.
E-KYC in the era of digital crime
Even before COVID-19, the risks of online fraud were being highlighted by industry professionals. Earlier this year Cifas, the UK’s fraud prevention service, reported that in 2019 over 364,000 cases were recorded to its database – the highest ever recorded.
Why CEOs are shifting to business-driven WAN
Every enterprise’s digital transformation journey is different, and as applications migrate to the cloud businesses both large and small are faced with opportunities and challenges.
Steps for responsible AI
A new report published by FICO and Corinium has found the demand for AI, data, and digital tools has soared in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
SD-WAN: as simple or complex as needed

More cost-effective and flexible than legacy router-centric multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) WANs, software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) offers superior responsiveness, enhanced application performance, more robust security, and improved visibility that gives greater reliability and consistency to enable organizations to advance their cloud and digital transformation initiatives.

Implementing a seamless customer experience
As the rise in remote working continues and technology hands customers unprecedented power to dictate the rules in purchasing goods and services, the lines between products, services and customer experience blur.
Getting the most from High Performance Computing
High Performance Computing requires next generation cooling deployment and increased power per rack. Yet, many traditional data centres cannot provide this service.
Case Study - Streamlining AP with YourDMS
With over 300 employees Charlton Athletic football club were looking to achieve maximum efficiency within all areas of its business.  This case study explains how YourDMS helped the club streamline its accounts payable system.
Redesigning jobs in the IT sector

According to new research from international recruitment consultancy, Robert Half UK, one-in-three (29%) of employers are currently redesigning roles in direct response to the impact of the pandemic as they look to build more agile, adaptable workforces moving forward.


Staffing solutions in the IT sector

Over 70% of UK workers are currently reassessing their career options despite COVID-related job insecurity.

Digitalizing European energy trading

When the energy markets first opened-up in the early 1990’s, market participants completed weekly planning and scheduling, using rudimentary forecasting and analysis tools. But now times have changed.

The Modern Bank Heists report
VMware Carbon Black has just published the third edition of its Modern Bank Heists report, which takes an annual pulse of some of the financial industry’s top CISOs and security leaders.
Tech is helping us work from home
The rise of the coronavirus (COVID-19), is continuing to cause headaches for businesses and brands all over the world. 
APIs for Fintechs
Banks can adopt several strategies when working with fintechs. Those most commonly discussed range from programmes to instill an entrepreneurial agile culture within banks, building and engaging extensively with developer communities, and building internal developer capacity.
CIAM for customers with varying levels of experience

Customer identity and access management (CIAM) often gets confused with IAM solutions, however, CIAM solutions are still solving identity access related issues, whereas IAM typically deals with authentication and access within an organization.

How APIs can transform business

As business continues to operate far from its norms, companies are having to get creative in thinking up new ways to operate in a day-to-day world where mobility has been strictly reduced.

Why myopic vision can blindside a business

Responding to changing market conditions as markets rebuild in the aftermath of COVID-19 continues to challenge both IT and business leaders. For IT leaders the need to actively minimize risk when making IT investments continues, whilst for business leaders, financial uncertainty is often cited as the top concern.

Case Study - Solar Insurance Services

The whole process of storing our indexed documents straight into Invu is an integral part of what we do - it’s part of the daily routine," says Solar Insurance.


The benefits of continuous testing
Defined as a software testing methodology, continuous testing involves a process of testing early, often and everywhere, and needs to be on the agenda for every organization.
Building long-term business relationships through BI
In a rapidly evolving retail landscape, businesses are generating data at an alarming pace but it often exists in silos across the business making it difficult to gain an accurate, real-time overview of how the organization is performing.
Builders of digital infrastructure
The continued growth of the global data centre market is being driven by an explosion of cloud and internet services.
Digital currencies

Cryptocurrencies have been in existence for quite some time, the concept being introduced by computer engineer Wei Dai that led to him publishing a paper in 1998 where is discussed “B-money” and the idea of a digital currency which could be sent along a group of untraceable digital pseudonyms.


Expert witness and data breaches

With personal data being easily purchased from the dark web, many criminals are undertaking this data to commit identity theft. In this article the author discusses how the impact of stolen data can become a legal issue in terms of class action lawsuits.

DDos attacks
Nearly every organization is dependent on some form of technology and connectivity, and in a time of crisis, the term ‘IT resilience’ is directly intertwined with the resilience of the business.
Powering remote working
The technology industry has been the enabler of remote working in some way, shape, or form for some time, whether it is required due to personal appointments, childcare or work life balance.
Covid-19 and the move to the cloud
Until recently organizations have historically looked at only new application development and deployment for cloud, taking a ‘cloud first’ approach.
Getting the right IaaS provider
Businesses are now at the stage where their cloud strategy and choice of cloud computing models is vital to their long-term sustainability and profitability.
Defeating business disruption 
Nearly every organization is dependent on some form of technology and connectivity, and in a time of crisis, the term ‘IT resilience’ is directly intertwined with the resilience of the business.
Securing data centre management skills

As data becomes the most valuable asset to businesses and digital transformation thunders on, the role of the CIO has become increasingly business critical.

Why your SD-WAN development is failing

There is an uncomfortable networking truth that is widely known but seldom acknowledged: implementing software-defined (SD-WAN) is difficult.

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