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IT For CEOs & CFOs
"In Conversation"





with ...
Mikkel Drucker and Christian Have, Logpoint
James Campbell, Cado Security
Luke Dash, ISMS. Online
Steve Paul, Equals Money
Sean Muirhead, Logpoint
Jesper Zerlang and Christian Melby, Logpoint & Summa
Laura Martin, Conga
Leon Ward, Threatquotient
Dr John Bates, SERGroup
Mark Warren, Osirium
Ben (Franky) Franklin, BIT Group
Eric Herzog, INFINIDAT
Mickey Bresman, Co-Founder, Semperis
Jesper Zerlang, Logpoint
Mark Kedgley, NNT, now part of Netwrix
Mark Guntrip, Menlo Security
Guido Grillenmeier, Semperis
Ian Brown, Integrity 360
John Gilbert, Yubico
Carl-Thomas Schneider, Hexagon
Jack Williams, Hexagon
Tom Huntington, HelpSystems
Jonathan Lee, Menlo
Simon Reynolds, Ceous
Alex Mattos, i6
Mark Power, Auth0
Eric Newcomer, WS02
Nick Pyke Chief Revenue Officer, Visible
Dermot Williams, Threatscape
Jake Alcott Vice President, Government Affairs, Bitsight​
Simon Pamplin EMEA Technical Sales Director, Silver Peak
Victoria Windsor Content Manager, Reed Exhibitions​
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