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Integrity360 partners with XM Cyber

To automate the mitigation of hybrid cyber risk, Integrity360 ( is integrating XM Cyber’s attack path management platform into its end-to-end service offerings, to enable Integrity customers in the UK and Ireland to benefit from continuous and automated mitigation of hybrid cyber risk, as well as increased prioritization enabled by XM Cyber’s unique choke point approach.
“Through this partnership, we offer the most comprehensive attack path management solution in the industry,” says Richard Ford, Chief Technology Officer, Integrity360.  “We are proud to partner with a company that can truly help with the challenges of exposure management.  With the addition of Attack Path Management, we can enable businesses to continuously view their hybrid networks through the eyes of an attacker, spot attacks before they happen and importantly stop them quickly and efficiently. Effectively, limiting the blast radius of any potential attack.”
Together, the two specialists can reduce their customers’ risk of exposure by uncovering hidden attack paths and security control gaps across cloud and on-prem networks.  By cutting off attack paths at key junctures, the risk is eradicated with minimal effort, time, and resource.
“Integrity360’s stature aligns with our vision of providing proactive security,” adds Steve Durkin, EMEA Channel Director, XM Cyber.  “We are committed to protecting business-critical applications and data.  We look forward to working with Integrity360 to continuously improve security posture management in hybrid environments.”
The partnership will see Integrity360’s customers benefit from an added layer of security, bolstering threat visibility, shorter time-to-remediation, and superior vulnerability management prioritization.

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