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DLA Piper GDPR Report
“The recent GDPR Data Breach survey by DLA Piper (www.dlapiper.com/en/uk/insights/publications/2020/01/gdpr-data-breach-survey-2020) has revealed that over 160,000 data breach notifications have been reported across Europe, resulting in fines of up to 97 million GBP, since the legislation came into force in May 2018, comments from Tony Pepper, CEO of Egress (www.egress.com).
Egress’ own research, ‘GDPR compliance: where are we now?’, (https://pages.egress.com/GDPR-survey-2019-uslp.html?utm_medium=web&utm_source=news&utm_campaign=GDPRreport) found an ‘almost compliant is close enough’ attitude towards GDPR in the UK, with less than half of decision-makers (48%) reporting that their business was fully compliant, indicating that focus has waned in the past 12 months. Another concerning finding was that only 6% of organisations have taken action to avoid the full potential of the legislation.
“As the new year commences, the DLA Piper report highlights the need for organizations to review the protections they are putting around unstructured data, especially within emails, to ensure that if sensitive information falls into the wrong hands, the risks of it being exposed is mitigated,” says Pepper.
“GDPR demands compliance from businesses of all sizes and they need to take all necessary steps towards protecting data,” continues Pepper. “This means adopting a comprehensive layered approach to data security which enables users to protect sensitive information in a simple and easy-to-use way. At a time when phishing and other cyberattacks are becoming much more prevalent, it has never been more important to analyse the best way to mitigate the risks of data breaches.”