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AI to thrive in 2021
CIOs and CTOs across the US, UK, China, India and Brazil are predicting that AI, Machine Learning, 5G and IoT will be the most important technologies in 2021.

According to a new IEEE study (, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the speed technology adoption will continue in 2021 with nearly one-third (32%) of survey respondents saying that they expect AI and machine learning, followed by 5G (20%) and IoT (14%) to be the biggest growth areas.

Industry sectors expected to be the most affected include manufacturing (19%), healthcare (18%), financial services (15%) and education (13%).  At the same time, more than half (52%) of CIOs and CTOs see their biggest challenge in 2021 as dealing with aspects of COVID-19 recovery in relation to business operations. These challenges include a permanent hybrid remote and office work structure (22%), office and facilities re-openings and return (17%), and managing permanent remote working (13%).  However, 11% said the agility to stop and start IT initiatives as this unpredictable environment continues will be their biggest challenge.  Another 11% cited online security threats, including those related to remote workers, as the biggest challenge they see in 2021.

The adoption of IoT (42%), augmented and virtual reality (35%) and video conferencing (35%) technologies have also been accelerated due to the global pandemic.

Compared to a year ago, CIOs and CTOs overwhelmingly (92%) believe their company is better prepared to respond to a potentially catastrophic interruption such as a data breach or natural disaster.  What’s more, of those who say they are better prepared, 58% strongly agree that COVID-19 accelerated their preparedness. 
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