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Virtual programme complements Infosec expo
The organizer of Europe’s number one information security event, Infosecurity Europe, Reed Exhibitions announces that it will be running an exciting virtual programme of content from 8-10 June 2021 to complement the live expo, which it recently confirmed will go ahead from 13-15 July at Olympia London.
“The success of our virtual conference programme in 2020 has inspired us to repeat the approach this year; augmenting the live event with rich, stimulating and widely accessible online content. The changes wrought by the pandemic – increased attacks and evolving threats, new working models and structures, and accelerated digital transformation – have happened at an astounding rate,” says Nicole Mills, Exhibition Director at Infosecurity Europe.
“We have a role to play in helping the information security community keep pace with these changes by staying engaged and up to date with the most pressing industry topics and developments.”
The virtual conference programme is focused on rethinking and regrouping as the impact of COVID-19 continues to become apparent, with strategies that will strengthen the security posture while enabling the business. It includes a mix of sessions, designed to provide expert solutions to problems, stimulate conversation and ideas, and develop participants’ skills and careers.
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